Kost Putri Full Furnished Mewah – Dekat RS Islam Pondok Kopi, RS Jiwa Klender, UHAMKA, Kawasan Industri Pulogadung

Kost Putri Full Furnished Mewah - Dekat RS Islam Pondok Kopi, RS Jiwa Klender, UHAMKA, Kawasan Industri PulogadungKost Putri Full Furnished Mewah - Dekat RS Islam Pondok Kopi, RS Jiwa Klender, UHAMKA, Kawasan Industri PulogadungKost Putri Full Furnished Mewah - Dekat RS Islam Pondok Kopi, RS Jiwa Klender, UHAMKA, Kawasan Industri PulogadungKost Putri Full Furnished Mewah - Dekat RS Islam Pondok Kopi, RS Jiwa Klender, UHAMKA, Kawasan Industri PulogadungKost Putri Full Furnished Mewah - Dekat RS Islam Pondok Kopi, RS Jiwa Klender, UHAMKA, Kawasan Industri PulogadungKost Putri Full Furnished Mewah - Dekat RS Islam Pondok Kopi, RS Jiwa Klender, UHAMKA, Kawasan Industri Pulogadung
  • Nama Rumah Kost: Kost Putri Puri Adrian
  • Alamat Kost: Jl. Delima 1A Nomor 18 A Kel. Malaka Sari, Kecamatan Duren Sawit – Jakarta Timur
  • Nomor Telepon: 08151600145
  • WhatsApp: 08151600145
  • Harga Sewa: Rp 1.500.000 (satu juta lima ratus Ribu rupiah per bulan)
  • Tempat Kost Untuk: Wanita
  • Mayoritas Penghuni: Wanita
  • Ukuran Kamar: 3 x 3 m
  • Jumlah Kamar: 10
  • Sekamar Boleh Berdua: Boleh
  • Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua: Rp 500.000 (lima ratus ribu rupiah)
  • Fasilitas:
    • Lemari pintu sliding customized
    • Meja dengan kaca customized
    • AC 1/2 PK Daikin
    • Kamar mandi dalam 
    • Tempat tidur spring bed ukuran 140 x 200 m, 2 in 1
  • Fasilitas Umum:
    • Dapur bersama yang dilengkapi
      1. Kompor gas
      2. Dispenser
      3. Kulkas besar
      4. Alat makan
      5. Alat masak
    • Ruang tamu yang dilengkapi
      1. Sofa 2 buah
      2. TV
      3. Kipas Angin
    • Halaman parkir motor luas bisa menampung 10 motor
    • Ruangan cuci dan jemur pakaian luas
  • Fasilitas Sekitar:
    • 100 meter dari terminal bis perumnas klender
    • 500 meter dari halte busway
    • 10 meter laundry
    • 1  KM dari stasiun kereta buaran
    • 1 km dari mall Buaran Plaza
    • 50 meter pusat kuliner malam perumnas klender
    • Dilewati oleh angkot
    • dekat RS Islam Jakarta pondok kopi
    • dekat RS Jiwa Klender
    • dekat kampus UHAMKA klender\’
    • dekat kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung
    • dekat Walikota Jakarta Timur
    • Dekat dengan jalan terusan kasablanka
    • Dekat, Mc donald, burger king, golden lamian dan dunkin donat jl radin inten klender
  • Parkir Mobil: Titip di depan kos ada parkiran umum gedung serbaguna rumah susun Klender
  • Parkir Motor: Kapasitas 10 buah motor
  • Waktu Bertamu: 06.00 – 22.00 WIB
  • Akses Lokasi:
    • Angkot
    • Dekat Terminal Perumnas Klender
    • Pinggir jalan raya
    • Walking distance to halte busway dan Stasiun Kereta Buaran
  • Info Tambahan: –
  • E-mail: danish240209@gmail.com

Kost Suami Istri / Pria / Wanita di Jalan Pulo Asem Jakarta Timur – Dekat dengan Jalan Pemuda dan Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung

  • Nama Rumah Kost: –
  • Alamat Kost: Jl. Pulo Asem Timur VI No. 26 Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur
  • No. Telepon: 081315853162
  • Harga Sewa: Rp 600.000 s.d Rp 700.000 per bulan
  • Tempat Kost Untuk: Karyawan/ti, Suami-Istri
  • Mayoritas Penghuni: –
  • Ukuran Kamar: 4×3 meter, 4×6 meter
  • Jumlah Kamar: 7
  • Sekamar Boleh Berdua: Ya
  • Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua: Rp 100.000,00
  • Fasilitas: Tempat Tidur (Beserta Bantal Guling), Lemari Pakaian, Meja Belajar, Kursi.
  • Fasilitas Umum: Kamar Mandi/Toilet Bersama (di Luar), Dapur Bersama, Kulkas Bersama, Ruang Berkumpul dan TV Bersama, Cuci+Setrika Pakaian, Parkir di Luar (Aman).
  • Fasilitas Sekitar: Satpam Kompleks, Akses Jalan Lebar, Supermarket, Apotik, Halte Busway, Angkutan Umum (Mikrolet & Bus).
  • Parkir Mobil: Tidak
  • Parkir Motor: Ya
  • Waktu Bertamu: Sampai dengan pukul 22.00 WIB
  • Akses Lokasi: Akses jalan menuju lokasi kos:
    Dari Arion kurang lebih 200 m ke arah Pulo Gadung (Jalan Pemuda) belok kiri ke Jalan Pulo Asem Raya (setelah Bank Niaga-Indosat-Bengkel).
    Kemudian belok kiri pada portal ke dua, masuk ke Jalan Pulo Asem Timur VI (ada Pos Satpam) lurus terus hingga nomor 26 (rumah kos warna biru).
  • Info Tambahan: Lokasi dekat dengan jalan Pemuda, Arion, Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Terminal Rawamangun. Telepon untuk info lebih lanjut.

Kost di Area Rawamangun Dekat Jalan Pemuda – Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung dan Kelapa Gading – Pria / Wanita / Suami-Istri

  • Nama Rumah Kost: Kost Pulo Asem
  • Alamat Kost: Jl. Pulo Asem Timur VI No. 26, Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur
  • No. Telepon: 021-94613771 / 021-68074318
  • Harga Sewa: Rp 500.000 s.d Rp 600.000 per bulan
  • Tempat Kost Untuk: Suami-istri, karyawan 1 kamar berdua, karyawati
  • Mayoritas Penghuni: Karyawan/ti
  • Ukuran Kamar: 4×6 m, 4×3 m
  • Jumlah Kamar: Lantai 1 ada 5 kamar, lantai 2 ada 2 kamar.
  • Sekamar Boleh Berdua: Ya
  • Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua: –
  • Fasilitas: Tempat tidur, lemari, meja, kamar mandi, cuci-setrika.
  • Fasilitas Umum: Dapur, TV, kulkas, ruang tamu.
  • Fasilitas Sekitar: Parkir motor luas, keamanan (hansip), dekat dengan supermarket dan apotik.
  • Parkir Mobil: Tidak
  • Parkir Motor: Ya
  • Waktu Bertamu: Sampai dengan pukul 22.00 WIB
  • Akses Lokasi: Dekat dengan jalan Pemuda-Arion.
  • Info Tambahan: Telepon untuk info lebih lanjut.
  • E-mail: m.aditriawarman@yahoo.co.id

Kos dan Kontrakan Petakan di Cikarang (Dekat Kawasan Industri Hyundai, Delta Silicon & EJIP)

Pondok Kontrakan Jati PilarPondok Kontrakan Jati PilarPondok Kontrakan Jati PilarPondok Kontrakan Jati PilarPondok Kontrakan Jati PilarPondok Kontrakan Jati Pilar
  • Nama Rumah Kost: Pondok Kontrakan Jati Pilar
  • Alamat Kost: Jl. Jati Pilar Raya No. 99, Ds. Serang, Kec. Cikarang Selatan โ€“ Bekasi
  • No. Telepon: 085217465022
  • Harga Sewa: Rp 300.000 โ€“ 500.000 per bulan
  • Tempat Kost Untuk: Pria/Wanita/Suami-Istri
  • Mayoritas Penghuni: Karyawan/ti di area kawasan Industri Hyundai & EJIP.
  • Ukuran Kamar: Kos (kamar + KM/WC ) = 3 x 4 m dan kontrakan petakan dan teras = 3 x 9 m
  • Jumlah Kamar: Kamar Kos = 3; Kontrakan Petakan = 45
  • Sekamar Boleh Berdua: Ya (Maximal 3 Orang)
  • Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua:
  • Fasilitas: Disewakan kamar kosong
  • Fasilitas Umum: Catering, Loundry, Game Online/Warnet, Sarana Olah Raga (Bulu Tangkis), Toko Kelontong, Mushola, Keamanan 24-Jam.
  • Fasilitas Sekitar: Dari jalan raya Jati Pilar 50 m, 100 m Masjid, 300 m Sekolah Dasar, warung makan, mini market, air isi ulang.
  • Parkir Motor: 50
  • Waktu Bertamu: Bebas
  • Akses Lokasi: Lokasi dekat kawasan industri Hyundai, Delta Silicon 1-3, Newton Techno Park dan EJIP (dari Jl. Kayu Manis-2 Delta Silicon 3 Ext hanya jalan kaki 100 m)
  • Info Tambahan: Kontrakan didesign oleh architectur lulusan Amerika yang mengedepankan kenyamanan dan keamanan (system cluster). Suasananya pepohonan yang rindang dan fasilitas di dalam kontrakan yang lengkap menambah betah penghuninya.
  • E-mail: Elfi_Susanti@yahoo.com

Kost Pria/Wanita Rawamangun Jakarta Timur – Dekat Kawasan Industri Pulogadung

Kost jl. taruna no 40Kost jl. taruna no 40Kost jl. taruna no 40

  • Nama Rumah Kost: –
  • Alamat Kost: Jl. Taruna No 40, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur
  • No. Telepon: 087880590924 / 082111414611
  • Harga Sewa: mulai Rp. 500,000
  • Tempat Kost Untuk: karyawan/karyawati
  • Mayoritas Penghuni: pria/ wanita
  • Ukuran Kamar: AC, kamar mandi dalam, uk 23m2, non ac, kmr mandi dalam, uk 20m2
  • Jumlah Kamar: 7
  • Sekamar Boleh Berdua: ya
  • Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua: tidak ada
  • Fasilitas: tempat tidur uk 160 dan 120, lemari pakaian, meja tulis, kursi
  • Fasilitas Umum: dapur umum, ruang tamu, parkir mobil / motor, kunci bebas
  • Fasilitas Sekitar: indomart, bengkel motor yamaha, angkutan umum 24jam
  • Parkir Mobil: 4
  • Parkir Motor: 4
  • Waktu Bertamu: bebas
  • Akses Lokasi: dekat kawasan industri pulogadung
  • Info Tambahan: –
  • E-mail: endra@mahya-energy.com
  • Facebook: mahyendrata.gboy

Kost Pria di Jakarta Timur, Terjangkau dan Nyaman – Kavling DKI Duren Sawit – Belakang Universitas Darma Persada

Kost Haji WahabKost Haji WahabKost Haji WahabKost Haji WahabKost Haji WahabKost Haji Wahab
  • Nama Rumah Kost: Kost Haji Wahab
  • Alamat Kost: Kav. DKI Blok C7 No. 20 Rt. 003 Rw. 011 Kec. Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur (Belakang Univ. Darma Persada / Jl. Taman Malaka)
  • No. Telepon: 021-8642579 / 081311277797
  • WhatsApp: 085691914994
  • Harga Sewa: Rp 800.000 (bayar boleh per bulan atau per tahun)
  • Tempat Kost Untuk: Khusus Pria
  • Mayoritas Penghuni: Pria (Karyawan)
  • Ukuran Kamar: 3 m x 3 m
  • Jumlah Kamar: 9
  • Sekamar Boleh Berdua: Tidak
  • Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua: –
  • Fasilitas:
    • Didalam kamar: Tempat tidur lengkap (sprei + bantal + guling), lemari pakaian, meja, kursi, cermin
    • Di luar kamar: Keset, rak sepatu, tempat handuk
  • Fasilitas Umum: Kamar mandi (ada 4) bersih, kloset duduk & kloset jongkok, dispenser (cold & hot), ruang tamu di teras bawah, tempat jemur di lt. 3, cuci + gosok Rp 110.000, bisa ikut lunch box / makan. Free Wi-Fi.
  • Fasilitas Sekitar: Mini Market, Warung, Masjid, Warung Makan (Nasi Uduk, Lotong Sayur Padang, Nasi / Mie / Kwetiaw Goreng Surabaya, Capcay kuah / Goreng, Fu Yung Hai, Nasi Goreng Kambing, Sate Solo, Bakso Gepeng, Pecel Ayam, Es Campur, Sate Padang.
  • Parkir Mobil: Ada
  • Parkir Motor: Ada (kalau malam dirantai)
  • Waktu Bertamu: 06.00 โ€“ 11.00 WIB
  • Akses Lokasi: Mikrolet 29 (Cililitan-Klender), Mikrolet 31 (Kp. Melayu- Pondok Kelapa), ojeg banyak
  • Info Tambahan: Perkiraan lokasi ke Kawasan Industri Pulogadung = 6 km, ke Rawamangun = 10 km, ke Ruko Medical Pondok Kelapa = 1 km, ke Pizza Hut Pondok Kelapa = 1,5 km, ke Mc Donald & Burger King Buaran = 1 km, ke Giant Buaran = 1 km, ke Giant Pondok Kopi = 2 km, ke Buaran Plaza = 4 km, ke Bioskop Buaran = 4 km, ke Pasar Perumnas Klender = 2,5 km. Lingkungan di dalam perumahan Kavling DKI yang nyaman, bersih, tenang namun dekat dari tempat naik angkot. Rata-rata yang sudah kost bisa bertahun-tahun karena betah, adapun yang keluar biasanya karena menikah atau pindah tugas. Selang 8 rumah ada kost Putri.
  • E-mail: nurwellyindomarti@gmail.com

Sewa Kost Cafe Dikoppi / Taman Daun Rp.800.000 di Surabaya

  • Nama Rumah Kost: Kost Taman Daun Cafe Dikoppi Tengglis Surabaya
  • Alamat Kost: Jl Raya Tenggilis Blok J 12 Surabaya (belakang cafe dikoppi)
  • Nomor Telepon: 085771847315
  • WhatsApp: 085771847315
  • Harga Sewa:
    • Non AC Rp 800.000
    • Kamar AC Rp 1.200.000
  • Tempat Kost Untuk: Pria/Wanita
  • Mayoritas Penghuni: Karyawan / karyawati
  • Ukuran Kamar: 3×3
  • Jumlah Kamar: 9
  • Sekamar Boleh Berdua: Boleh
  • Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua: 200.000
  • Fasilitas: Sudah ada kasur, wastafel, kamar mandi dalam.
  • Fasilitas Umum: Tempat jemuran baju, parkir motor. Wifi dicafe.
  • Fasilitas Sekitar: Cafe, apotik, tempat makan.
  • Parkir Mobil: –
  • Parkir Motor: Ada
  • Waktu Bertamu: Max Sampai dengan jam 10 mlm
  • Akses Lokasi: Dekat dengan jalan Raya Prapen, jalan raya Rungkut industri.
  • Info Tambahan: Kost bangunan baru. Harga hemat Rp 800.000 di tengah kota. Apabila ingin kamar AC bisa dengan harga Rp 1.200.000
  • E-mail: padangsetyo@gmail.com

Kost Campur Jakarta Pusat – Griya Kemayoran Rk 1/8 Kostan Fery

Kost Campur Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat - Griya FerryKost Campur Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat - Griya FerryKost Campur Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat - Griya FerryKost Campur Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat - Griya FerryKost Campur Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat - Griya FerryKost Campur Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat - Griya Ferry
  • Nama Rumah Kost: Griya Kemayoran Rk 1/8 Kostan Fery
  • Alamat Kost: Jalan Industri
  • Nomor Telepon:
    • 081389019432
    • 08161419832
  • WhatsApp: 08161419832
  • Harga Sewa: Rp 1.600.000
  • Tempat Kost Untuk: Pria/Wanita/Pasutri
  • Mayoritas Penghuni: –
  • Ukuran Kamar: 3x3m
  • Jumlah Kamar: 11
  • Sekamar Boleh Berdua: –
  • Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua: –
  • Fasilitas: AC, spring bad, lemari baju
  • Fasilitas Umum: Pool
  • Fasilitas Sekitar: Hotel
  • Parkir Mobil: –
  • Parkir Motor: –
  • Waktu Bertamu: –
  • Akses Lokasi: Jalan Besar
  • Info Tambahan: –
  • Email: –

Kost Eksklusif – GIIC Deltamas Cikarang Bekasi

Kost Eksklusif - GIIC Deltamas CikarangKost Eksklusif - GIIC Deltamas CikarangKost Eksklusif - GIIC Deltamas CikarangKost Eksklusif - GIIC Deltamas CikarangKost Eksklusif - GIIC Deltamas CikarangKost Eksklusif - GIIC Deltamas Cikarang
  • Nama Rumah Kost: Kost Delima Delta
  • Alamat Kost: Jl. Cluster Bahama Luar Blok B/5, Kota Deltamas, Cikarang Pusat, Bekasi
  • Nomor Telepon:
    • 0838-3312-4007
    • 0878-7557-7168
  • WhatsApp: 0838-3312-4007; 0878-7557-7168
  • Harga Sewa: Rp 1.700.000 s.d Rp 2.000.000
  • Tempat Kost Untuk: Karyawan/Karyawati/Pasutri (wajib akta nikah)
  • Mayoritas Penghuni: Karyawan / Karyawati
  • Ukuran Kamar: 3 x 4 dan 3.5 x 4.25
  • Jumlah Kamar: 15
  • Sekamar Boleh Berdua: Boleh
  • Biaya Tambahan Sekamar Berdua: Rp 300.000 / bln
  • Fasilitas: 1. Spring Bed ukuran 160 x 200
    2. Kamar Mandi Dalam
    3. AC
    4. Kloset duduk, jet shower
    5. Water Heather 
    6. Selimut, bantal guling, sprei
    7. Lemari pakaian, meja portable
    8. TV (optional dengan tambahan biaya)
  • Fasilitas Umum: 1. Wi-fi
    2. Dapur umum, kompor, cooker hood
    3. Air Minum RO
    4. Kulkas
  • Fasilitas Sekitar: 1. AEON Mall terbesar yg segera beroperasi
    2. Minimarket, Cafe, laundry dlsb
    3. Rumah Sakit, Klinik
    4. Sekolah Pangudi Luhur
    5. SPBU
  • Parkir Mobil: Tersedia
  • Parkir Motor: Tersedia
  • Waktu Bertamu: Pukul 22.00 WIB
  • Akses Lokasi: Berada di Kota Deltamas yg juga kawasan industri GIIC, dapat via Tol Cibatu maupun tol Cikarang Pusat. Terletak di sebrang SD Pangudi Luhur – Deltamas, Cikarang
  • Info Tambahan: Kost aman, bersih dan nyaman, lokasi sangat strategis
  • E-mail: delimabahama@gmail.com

How to Build a Generative AI Model for Image Synthesis?

Top 7 Generative AI Tools for Image Generation: Reviews

Simply type a text description and it will generate 9 different images made from your input text. Dream Studio can be used to create photographic images, illustrations, 3D models, logos, and basically any image you can imagine. In this article, we’ll take a look at 13 of the best AI image generators on the market in 2023. Many predict that large language models will drastically affect the labor market across a diverse range of occupations, automating certain tasks and reshaping existing roles. While we canโ€™t predict the future, it is indisputable that the early adopters who leverage NLP and generative AI to optimize their work will have a leg up on those who do not. Lacking inspiration or tired of searching for assets that donโ€™t seem to exist?

generative image ai

There are several phases involved in getting data ready for generative AI model training so that the model can accurately learn the patterns and properties of the data. However, GANs require significant training to deliver high-quality results, which can be challenging. Despite these difficulties, GANs continue to be a widely used and successful method for image synthesis across various industries. To perform image generation, you’ll need to create an account on Eden AI for free.

How images are made with Generative AI

Generative models are a type of artificial intelligence that can create new images that are similar to the ones they were trained on. This technique is known as image synthesis, and it is achieved through the use of deep learning algorithms that learn patterns and features from a large database of photographs. These models are capable of correcting any missing, blurred or misleading visual elements in the images, resulting in stunning, realistic and high-quality images.

generative image ai

The tool enables you to produce different variations of an image through the use of machine learning. One of the main applications of Deep Dream is to use it to create artwork, since it uses different painting styles to generate images that appear to be from different places or periods of time. Deep Dream relies on a neural network that was trained with millions of images. It is easy-to-use, only requiring you to upload an image before the tool generates a new image based on the original. Essentially, there is a plethora of ways in which generative AI models may be used for picture synthesis.

Learn more

Generative AI also raises numerous questions about what constitutes original and proprietary content. Since the created text and images are not exactly like any previous content, the providers of these systems argue that they belong to their prompt creators. But they are clearly derivative of the previous text and images used to train the Yakov Livshits models. Needless to say, these technologies will provide substantial work for intellectual property attorneys in the coming years. Anyone, from bloggers, digital marketers, website owners, to businesses across all industries, can harness the power of GenerativeFill.com to produce high-quality content and generate captivating images.

Yakov Livshits
Founder of the DevEducation project
A prolific businessman and investor, and the founder of several large companies in Israel, the USA and the UAE, Yakovโ€™s corporation comprises over 2,000 employees all over the world. He graduated from the University of Oxford in the UK and Technion in Israel, before moving on to study complex systems science at NECSI in the USA. Yakov has a Masters in Software Development.

  • This art generation tool helps users create realistic images based on text prompts.
  • This impressive tool has several styles and creatives that are useful in generating versatile digital art.
  • This can entail using graphic design tools for additional editing or iterating with various inputs.
  • Itโ€™s a deep learning model that generates images from text descriptions.
  • The AI interprets the user’s input and draws upon its vast database of images and styles to generate a unique visual representation that aligns with the provided prompt.

GenAI is capable of producing highly realistic and complex content that mimics human creativity, making it a valuable tool for many industries such as gaming, entertainment, and product design. Recent breakthroughs in the field, such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and Midjourney, have significantly advanced the capabilities of GenAI. These advancements have opened up new possibilities Yakov Livshits for using GenAI to solve complex problems, create art, and even assist in scientific research. Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that involves training MLL (machine learning models) to generate new, original content based on a delivered prompt. A prompt can be anything from text and images to music and video, and even new chemical compounds for use in drug development.

How Computer Vision Improves and Advances Aviation Technology

These AI-generated videos are used in the sectors of education, marketing, and social media. Based on a function-based classification, we will examine the top generative AI tools in this article. Stop spending hours hunting for stock photos or trying to photoshop by yourself. Tell Jasper what you want and watch it create unique AI art in seconds. One of the best features DALL-E 2 offers is its paintbrush, which allows you to add details to your image such as shadows, highlights, colors, textures, etc.

How Capital Group Is Mobilizing For A Generative AI Future – Forbes

How Capital Group Is Mobilizing For A Generative AI Future.

Posted: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

You also get the option to buy additional GPU time, and you can use your images commercially. By default, every image you generate is posted publicly in Midjourney’s Discord. It gives everything a cool community aspect, but it means that anyone who cares to look can see what you’re creating. While not necessarily a problem for artists, this might be a dealbreaker if you’re looking to use Midjourney for business purposes. The most popular plan is the Teams plan for its rich feature-set and ability to add teammates into your workspace. If you needersonalized AI features with additional control, security, team training & tech support, then The Business Plan is for you.

These models use complex algorithms to generate new images that are similar to the input data they are trained on. Generative AI models for image synthesis can quickly create high-quality, realistic images, which is difficult or impossible to achieve through traditional means. In fields such as art and design, generative AI models are being used to create stunning new artworks and designs that push the boundaries of creativity. In addition, generative AI models for image synthesis are also being used to create more realistic and immersive virtual environments for entertainment and gaming applications. In fact, the ability to generate high-quality, realistic images using generative AI models is causing new possibilities for innovation and creativity to emerge across industries. Text-to-image models have been built using a variety of architectures.

This can be a big problem when we rely on generative AI results to write code or provide medical advice. Many results of generative AI are not transparent, so it is hard to determine if, for example, they infringe on copyrights or if there is problem with the original sources from which they draw results. If you don’t know how the AI came to a conclusion, you cannot reason about why it might be wrong.